Stephan Brunner's
Home Page
Notes on Splines (Theory Reunion
March 8, 2005)
Notes to the "Cours Ecole Doctorale": "Advanced Theory of Plasmas":
Notes on Non-Linear Effects in Plasmas
Notes on Linear Kinetic Study of
Some Publications:
Dielectric Tensor Operator of Hot Plasmas in
Toroidal Axisymmetric
Systems, [Brunner and Vaclavik, Phys.Fluids B, Vol.5, p.1695 (1993)]
Global Approach to
the Spectral Problem of Microinstabilities in Cylindrical Plasmas using
a Gyrokinetic Model [Brunner and Vaclavik, Phys.Plasmas, Vol. 5, p.365
Global Approach to the Spectral Problem of Microinstabilities in
Tokamak Plasmas using a Gyrokinetic Model [Brunner, Fivaz, Tran, and
Vaclavik, Phys.Plasmas, Vol. 5, p.3929 (1998)].
Collisional Delta-f Scheme
with Evolving Background for Transport Time
Scale Simulations [Brunner, Valeo, and Krommes, Phys.Plasmas, Vol.6,
p.4504, (1999)].
Linear Delta-f Simulations
of Nonlocal Electron Heat Transport
[Brunner, Valeo, and Krommes, Phys.Plasmas, Vol.7, p.2810, (2000)]
Simulations of Electron
Transport in Laser Hot Spots [Brunner and
Valeo, Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 9, p.923, (2002)]
Trapped-Particle Instability
Leading to Bursting in Stimulated Raman Scattering Simulations [Brunner
and Valeo, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol 93, publ# 145003-1 (2004)].
Method for Computing Protein
Binding Affinity [Karney, Ferrara, and Brunner, Journal Computational
Chemistry, Vol. 26, p.243 (2004)].