Benchmark for gyrokinetic codes with kinetic electrons and MHD
You will find here below all
the five equilibria related to the cyclone circular non-shifted case up to a
full single-null down elongated equilibrium.
The full benchmark paper is
published now in G. Merlo, O. Sauter, S. Brunner, A. Burckel, Y. Camenen, F. J. Casson, W. Dorland, E. Fable, T. Görler,
F. Jenko, A. G. Peeters, D.
Told, and L. Villard, Linear multispecies gyrokinetic
flux tube benchmarks in shaped tokamak plasmas, Physics of Plasmas 23 (2016) 032104;
They have been first defined
and tested with local versions of GS2 and GYRO in the Varenna
2010 paper: A. Burckel, O. Sauter, C. Angioni et al, JPCS 260 (2010) 012006 (references
The parameters are defined in
the paper above as well as the Miller parameters for the r/a=0.5 surface.
The full equilibrium:
Running CHEASE with these
EQDSKs, without the profiles, use the following chease_namelist_eqdsk file
(Note: with etaei=0.33 and AT3(1)=-0.69 to
obtain ne, Te profiles in EXPTNZ.OUT as mentioned in Varenna paper. Can also run with EXPTNZ
input file and chease_namelist_eqdsk_tnz
namelist file)
Profiles (first line of file
is a comment line in matlab):
, e, ne, Te, R dln ne/dr, R
dln ne/dr in file
matlab *.fig as well as matlab script files used to make the figures of the Varenna paper: FilesForFigs.tar
(or ask O. Sauter for further information)