e-library of Christian SCHLATTER
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PUBLICATIONS (as main author)
Ion-Acoustic Turbulence in ECCD-driven TCV plasmas
Ch. Schlatter, B. P. Duval, A. N. Karpushov and T. P. Goodman
Poster presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, Orlando, Florida, USA, 12 - 16 November 2007.
Abstract (PDF, 40 KB, 12.07.2007)
Poster (PDF, 630 KB, 11.11.2007)
Reconstruction of Ion Temperature Profiles from Single Chord NPA Measurements on TCV Tokamak
Ch. Schlatter, B. P. Duval and A. N. Karpushov
Published in Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 48 (2006) 1765-1785.
Preprint (PDF, 1.0 MB, 16.10.2006)
Paper (PDF, 2.4 MB, 06.11.2006)
Conditions for anomalous energy and momentum transfer from electrons to ions in ECCD discharges on TCV
Ch. Schlatter, B. P. Duval, A. N. Karpushov, E. Asp, S. Coda, E. Fable, T. P. Goodman, O. Sauter and V. S. Udintsev
Presentation at the 33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. Rome, Italy, 19 - 23 June 2006.
Abstract (PDF, 60 KB, 13.06.2006)
Paper (PDF, 230 KB, 13.06.2006), published in the conference proceedings, ECA Vol.30I, P-1.149 (2006)
Poster (PDF, 250 KB, 13.06.2006)
Slides (PDF, 1.9 MB, 13.06.2006), Slides (PPT, 2.5 MB, 13.06.2006)
Reconstruction of Hydrogenic Ion Temperature Profiles on TCV
Ch. Schlatter, B. P. Duval and A. N. Karpushov
Presentation at the 32nd EPS conference in Tarragona (Spain), 27 June - 1st July 2005.
Preliminary proposal for discussion (PDF, 11.6 KB, 24.01.2005)
Abstract (PDF, 81 KB, 11.02.2005)
Poster (PDF, 300 KB, 24.06.2005)
Paper (PDF, 204 KB, 24.06.2005)
Error estimation and parameter dependence of the calculation of the fast ion distribution function, temperature and density using data from the KF1 high energy NPA on JET
Christian Schlatter, Duccio Testa, Marco Cecconello, Andrea Murari, Marko Santala and JET-EFDA Contributors
Review of Scientific Instruments, volume 75, number 10, pages 3547-3549 (October 2004).
RSI 75, 3547 (2004): Abstract (PDF), Article (PDF)
For further documents concerning this topic see the PROJECTS section below.Error analysis and parametric study of the JET high energy NPA
15th Topical Conference High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics. 19 - 22 April 2004. San Diego, California, USA
HTPD conference 19.04.2004: Abstract (PDF), Article (PDF), Poster (PDF)
PUBLICATIONS (as co-author)
Non-Maxwellian Ion Energy Distribution in ECH-heated plasmas on TCV,
Karpushov A.N., Duval B.P., Goodman T.P., Schlatter Ch.
33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. Rome, 19 - 23 June 2006 ECA Vol.30I, P-1.152 (2006)
Overview of Recent Results of ECE on TCV,
Udintsev V.S., Turri G., Asp E., Schlatter Ch., Goodman T.P.
submitted to Fusion Science and Technology
Energetic Ion-driven instabilities on JET and MAST,
Sharapov S.E., Alper B., Kiptily V.G., Hacquin S., Schlatter Ch. et al
48th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 October 2006
Data analysis
First measurements of oblique ECE with a real-time moveable line-of-sight on TCV,
T.P. Goodman, V.S. Udintsev, I. Klimanov, A. Mueck, O. Sauter, C. Schlatter
submitted to Fusion Science and Technology
Particle and impurity transport in electron-heated discharges in TCV,
H. Weisen, A. Zabolotsky, M. Maslov, M. Bernard, A. Bortolon, B.P. Duval , E. Fable, A. Karpushov, O. Sauter, V. Piffl, Ch. Schlatter, G. Veres
Proceedings of the 21th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference in Chengdu, China
Neutral particle analyzer diagnostics on the TCV Tokamak,
A.N. Karpushov et al.
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77, 033504 (2006)
Proton-triton nuclear reaction in ICRF heated plasmas in JET,
M.I.K. Santala et al.
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 48 No 8 (August 2006) 1233-1253
Creating an XML Driven Data Bus between Fusion Experiments,
J.B. Lister et al.
Proceedings of the 10th International conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Geneva, 2005
Determination of the Radial Profile of Hydrogen Isotope Composition in TCV plasmas,
A.N. Karpushov et al.
Presentation at the 32nd EPS conference in Tarragona (Spain), 27 June - 1st July 2005.
Abstract Paper, published in the conference proceedings, ECA Vol.30I, P-4.097 (2005)
PosterpT fusion by RF-heated protons in JET trace tritium discharges,
M.I.K. Santala et al.
Proceedings of the 31st EPS conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, London, UK, 28 June - 2 July 2004
Paper, published in the conference proceedings, ECA Vol.28G, P-5.163 (2004)
Radiation losses study on the tokamak T-10 using AXUV-detectors,
N. N. Timchenko, L. N. Khimchenko, D. V. Sarichev, Ch. Schlatter,
has been published at the 30th EPS conference on controlled fusion and plasma physics in St. Petersburg, Russia, July 2003.
Д.В. Сарычев, Н.Н. Тимченко, Л.Н. Химченко, К. Шлаттер,
presented at the 30th conference on plasma physics in Zvinigorad (Звенигород), Russia, February 2003.
Abstract (PDF)
Anomalous ion energization in ECC driven TCV plasmas,
2nd thesis committee, held on 22nd of March, 2007
Presentation (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Conditions for anomalous energy and momentum transfer from electrons to ions in ECCD discharges on TCV,
33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. Rome, 19 - 23 June 2006 ECA Vol.30I, P-1.149 (2006)
Hard X-ray shielding of the CNPA, Requirements, current status and future plans,
TCV scientific meeting of 05.04.2006
Investigation of problems related to KF 1 ,
JET KF-1 technical report
Preliminary analysis of perpendicular central fast ion fi, ni and Ti inferred from the CX spectrum measured with the high energy NPA KF-1 for JET discharges with Tornado modes,
JET Taskforce M meeting of 05.05.2006
Displacement of the CNPA,
TCV diagnostic meeting of 02.11.2006
Fast ions in tokamak plasmas,
1st thesis committee, held on 26 of January, 2006
Presentation (PDF, 2.6 MB)
Proposals for the TCV experimental campaigns 2006-2007,
TCV Brainstorming meeting, 16.12.2005
Fast ions in tokamak plasmas,
1st thesis committee held on 22.01.2006
TCV vertical vessel dilatation,
TCV scientific meeting of 13.11.2006
2nd annual thesis report (2006)
, Annual report for the doctoral school (PDF, 544 KB)
Gamma ray spectrometry in tokamaks
, CRPP internal report INT 212/06
A short review of gamma ray spectroscopy in tokamaks (lecture project in the frame of the course "Diagnostics of plasmas" teached by Dr. Henri WEISEN at the EPFL doctoral school.
Project report
1st annual thesis report (2005)
, Annual report for the doctoral school (PDF, 57 KB)
Simulation of the absolute Charge-eXchange spectrum of the TCV Compact Neutral Particle Analyzer
Progress report on the experimental work involving TCV's new compact NPA.
Réunion scientifique du 17.12.2004 (PDF, 1.57 MB, 16.12.2004)
Stability of the internal kink mode for JET plasma scenarios described by an extended energy principle including kinetic additions
Project in the frame of the lecture "Physics of magnetically confined plasmas" of the Doctoral School of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, summer term 2004
Lecture description (PDF, 12 KB, 10.02.2004)
Project report (PDF 837 KB, 24.10.2004)
Error estimation and parameter dependence of the calculation of the fast ion distribution function, temperature and density using data from the KF1 high energy NPA on JET
Secondement at EFDA-JET, the Joint European Torus, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, United Kingdom, November 2003 to March 2004.
TF-D meeting 18.12.2003: Report (PDF), Presentation (PDF)
Work report
Radiation loss studies on T-10 tokamak using AXUV-detectors
Diploma work at the Nuclear Fusion Institute (NFI), Russian Research Centre “Kurchatov” (KIAE), Moscow 2002 - 2003.
Project page (Click here)
Calibration strategies for high resolution liquid flow sensors
Two month traineeship at Sensirion, the sensor company, Zurich 2001.
Report (PDF)
C-alpha circles
Computational physics project at the mathematics department of EPFL, 2002.
Project page (Click here)
Fast-Algorithm Bolometric Computer Aided Tomography (FABCAT)
Semester project at the Plasma Physics Research Centre in Lausanne, 2001 - 2002.
Project page (Click here)
Study of magnetic flux shaped base functions for tomography
Semester project at the Plasma Physics Research Centre in Lausanne, 2002
Project page (Click here)
La physique aryenne, la physique pendant la dictature des nazi en Allemagne
Projet Sience - Technique - Société (STS), 2002
Project page (Click here)
Wenn plötzlich das Licht ausbleibt... Die Sonnenfinsternis, das grosse Naturschauspiel
Semesterprojekt im Rahmen der Vorlesung Histoire des sciences, 1999.
Project page (Click here)
Eine kleine Einführung in Mathematica
Eine Arbeit im Rahmen des Mathematik- Unterrichtes der LWB-Berufsmatura, 1996
Bericht (HTML)